I offer practical solutions through storytelling and precious questions to peel back layers of conditioning and reorient you in the direction of truth.

The Sexual Evolution Series

The Sexual Evolution teachings are a series of classes that invite a fundamental shift in perspective.  A reorientation to the truth of ourselves and gentle healing of our relationship to our sexuality.

  • Sexual Evolution One

    A guide to becoming more present, more authentic and more pleasured in your sexual. How do we return home to our sexual selves, our truth, our purity and our power.

    This class really sets the scene for the growth opportunities and healing available to you through sexual evolution.

  • Sexual Evolution Two

    A teaching for all who wish to live with an open heart. How boundaries and consent are actually the key to freedom. This class is actually about how to become trustworthy to ourselves.

    It approaches boundaries as a beautiful practice of creating safe spaces in which our heart can dance in full bloom. An excellent offering for empaths, givers and pleasers.

  • Sexual Evolution Three

    This is a Joyful guide to self love. How to create it. How to deepen it. How to keep it. These teachings are in full service to expanding our capacity to Be In Love.

    Led from the belief that the most important thing we can possibly learn is how to love ourselves.

  • Sexual Evolution Four

    For those who identify as woman. This is a powerful workshop where we explore how we have systematically been disconnected from the power and wonder of ourselves because once we clearly see, we can be free we reconnect to the power and wonder of ourselves.

    It is a profound and healing experience.

The Return To Innocence Series

The Return To Innocence Series has been created to reconnect us to the truth of who we are.  A step by step guide to restore factory settings. Devoted to bring you home to the purity of your soul and the unconditional love of your heart. 

  • Return To Innocence One

    This is really about paying close attention to the tiny ways that we turn away from ourselves and instead of walking or running away, we actually learn to turn back towards ourselves and be present.

    As we commit to this practice we, very quickly, expand our capacity to love.

  • The Return To Innocence Two

    We think that our relationship to trust is something that happens to us. The truth is we happen to trust and we can, through practice and discernment remember how to open our hearts out to be the full loving beings that we have always been. 

    First and foremost we learn how to be trustworthy to ourselves. 

  • The Return To Innocence Three

    A gentle relaxing into the absolute certainty that we know sweet f**k all about anything and the building of excitement around the possibility that lives within this. Expansion. Wonder. Freedom. It invites us to recognise that life is a co-creation.

    A collaboration between our willingness to dance and our ability to listen to some force beyond us playing the music.

My teachings are designed to work individually, as a series or in any order we choose.

Please reach out and we will curate the perfect combination to support the mission of your event, retreat, festival or conference.

Teaching Highlights

  • Harvest Festival London

    Harvest is an amazing creation by a visionary team. They highly curate their festival offering and bring you the best educators in their field. People you seldom get the opportunity to be in the room with. These can be scholars, psychologists or spiritual teachers.

    And then they add Fun - DJ’s, singers and a wild eyed crew of guest who are passionate about growth. It feels a bit like going to Harvard in Burning Man.

    Speaking with Dr Gabor Mate had me fan girling so hard, I totally gave up trying to play it cool.

    Wonderful experience and I can’t wait to collaborate with Harvest again.

    If you have the chance to go - definitely do.

  • Nômade Tulum

    I have worked with the Nômade team since 2019 and built a strong mutual love and respect for each others work. They are really OG in curating the best spiritual teachers from around the world within a hotel environment. Guest think they come for the party, but leave with a love for spirit.

    I have taught all of my classes in the Gratitude tent over the years. I love teaching here, the land and the water conspire to create an energetic receptivity which really moves the dial in the guests evolution. We go deep into sacred spaces of heart, we cry we grow we learn - and then we dance. It is a magical recipe.

  • Restaura Experience Ikal 

    This is a gathering of humans from around the world to shine light on our relationship to earth.  The invisible work that goes into creating this catalyst for expansion is so full of love that as soon as you pass through the gate the change begins.  I am so lucky to be included in their programme over the past years. In 2023 I taught the Practice of Non-self Abandonment which is a tough class to teach, because we are basically traveling into the heart of shame and creating release structures.  

    70 beautiful souls were so willing to travel there with me, and to witness the transformation of relationship to themselves was one of my years highlights.

  • Love Bomb Ibiza

    Miriam Adler and I held this workshop and it became one of my favourite teachings ever.  We led 40 people on a journey to explode open their capacity for love.  We were both so committed to this experiment we opened our hearts as wide as the stone amphitheatre we were gathered in and gave it everything we had.

     It was raw and scary, but oh my goodness did it work.  Everyone there was levitating by the end, as were we.  It continued to do its powerful work lifting us higher into love for weeks.

  • The Initiation Retreat Sian Ka’an

    A wild woman’s gathering of 25 with a curation of incredible teachers.  The transformation that occurred on this retreat made it especially memorable.  8 of the 25 women, changed career, changed country, changed partnership within 2 months of the closing ceremony.  

    We held powerful space as this realignment to the direction of their lives stormed through the retreat.  My structured offering was the sexual evolution series - supported with 1:1 sessions.  It was amazing to witness how much can happen in just one week.

  • Papaya Playa Project Love Immersion 

    I was invited to be the Friday night resident for a month.  I taught the entire Sexual Evolution series with the addition of a sound healing to deepen the reception of what can be tender information.  It was special to see the crowd grow each week as each person told a friend or 3.  The last night: Finding the love of your life with a dj set to end was so filled with joy and possibility.  

    I loved witnessing the arc of change for each soul over the course of a month.  

  • Nômade Holbox

    I was invited to do a residency at Nômade’s new property in Holbox.  They asked me to teach my sexual evolution series from start to finish for two weeks. It was so beautiful, the guests were relatively new to the concepts of spirituality and it was wonderful to watch their eyes light up with possibility. I did a lot of 1:1 work with the guests so we were able to dive in deeply to their experience of themselves and the teachings.

     It felt like an unstructured retreat, where I could see the arc of learning carrying them to places they hadn’t dreamed of before arriving in Holbox.  

  • Garbicz Festival Poland

    This festival is a madness, thousands of people gather in an ancient forest by a super natural lake. The first year I sat on a panel to discuss Sex Positivity, which was an amazing experience.

    The second year I taught The Freedom of Boundaries (because of the lack of them in so many sex positive spaces) and it was in the top three workshops of the festival.

  • Kind Retreat

    I was asked by dear friend and sister Jayna to share my learnings through creating GASP to her retreat of 18 women.  In many ways it was my first teaching of sexual evolution.  We stayed up late in front of a fire in a beautiful castle in England, each time I said the end, they would ask for more and then more.

    As  I looked in the eyes of the women hungry for this knowing of who they are I felt the importance of the unfolding of this series of teaching. 

  • La Luna Blossom Formentera

    24 women gathered on a tiny island in the Mediterranean and healed. I taught a lot in the retreat, but most memorable to me is teaching The Worship Workshop for the first time.  It was incredible to see how much history was released from her story and the freedom of self love this created.  

    It is pure joy to work with the La Luna collective, the integrity and ambition is in perfect alignment for me.   

My teachings come before the act of sex. I teach about our relationship with our sexuality.  For podcasts or interviews please get in touch.