It is my purest intention to help you massively accelerate the process of creating a peaceful and deeply loving relationship with yourself.

The truth is, I much prefer to be discovered, but will rise to this sweet challenge and from long life choose a few of my chapters.

I am Iranian, English and American.  A brew of all three, the first two are my blood, the latter my childhood.

I come from a lineage of Persian traders and have spent many years in business. In 2002, together with my best friends, we started a skincare company called Mama Mio.  We worked hard, believed hard, created hard and laughed hard for 12 years and then sold it for $12m. 

My obsession with making beautiful films about water started before we sold. My first immersive exhibition was held in London 2016. Over the years there were more exhibitions around the world. The films give you the magical gift of a quick drop from head to heart.  They give me the gift of spending 1000’s of hours on my knees watching water.  

Long before the water years, actually for much of my adult life, I was completely lost to myself. The knowing of trust or the sound of my inner voice, a haunting memory. In 2010 life pushed me off a cliff and gave me the opportunity to figure out who I truly am.  And so it began, baby step by step encountering exactly what was needed, to learn exactly what I needed.  The more deeply I dive into truth it becomes a wellspring from which to share.

Somewhere in this same flurry of massive transition, came an idea to write a book of erotica. I tried my best not to, but the book had a strong mind of it's own and in 2019 we published Gasp. It is actually a book of sexual healing. It was written for pure purpose: To create more love in the world by making more love.  

Sexual Evolution began to appear as a concept and eventually as a series of classes.  I teach these classes to people all around the world, from many cultures, backgrounds, belief systems and religions.  I used to wonder if it would resonate, but seeing the eyes light up on the faces before me, I have come to trust in the importance of the message and its power to help.  I am really only interested in helping.

I have a precious gift for words.  An ability to story tell wisdom gleaned, in a way that helps others to understand themselves and turn towards more loving ways.  It is from here that I humbly offer my teachings to you, with all my love. It is my hope that it will speed your personal journey towards creating a peaceful and deeply loving relationship with yourself.

My favourite chapter of all is the profound gift of mothering two sons and step mothering a daughter. Living into this wondrous exchange of both raising them and being raised by them is my deepest joy.

Thank you for taking the time to discover me.



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