I offer practical solutions through storytelling and precious questions to peel back layers of conditioning and reorient you in the direction of truth.
My Classes
Becoming True To You
A guide to becoming more present, more authentic and more pleasured in your sexuality. How do we return home to our sexual selves, our truth, our purity and our power.
This class really sets the scene for the growth opportunities and healing available to you through the sexual evolution series.
Finding The Love Of Your Life
This is a joyful guide to self love. How to create it. How to deepen it. How to keep it. These teachings are in full service to expanding our capacity to be in love. Why falling in love with ourselves is the most important thing you can ever do, for yourself and for the world.
The Practice Of Non Self Abandonment
This is really about paying close attention to the tiny ways that we turn away from ourselves and instead of walking or running away, we actually learn to turn back towards ourselves and be present. As we commit to this practice we, very quickly, expand our capacity to love.
The Wisdom Of ‘I Don’t Know’
A gentle relaxing into the absolute certainty that we know sweet f**k all about anything and the building of excitement around the possibility that lives within this. Expansion. Wonder. Freedom. It invites us to recognise that life is a co-creation. A collaboration between our willingness to dance and our ability to listen to some force beyond us playing the music.
The Freedom Of Boundaries
A teaching for all who wish to live with an open heart. How boundaries and consent are actually the key to freedom. This class is about how to become trustworthy to ourselves. It approaches boundaries as a beautiful practice of creating safe spaces in which our heart can dance in full bloom. An excellent offering for empaths, givers and pleasers.
The Worship Workshop
For those who identify as woman. This is a powerful workshop where we explore how we have systematically been disconnected from the power and wonder of ourselves. It is a profound and healing experience to see ourselves anew.
The Issue Of Trust
We think that our relationship to trust is something that happens to us. The truth is we happen to trust and we can, through practice and discernment remember how to open our hearts out to be the full loving beings that we have always been. First and foremost we learn how to be trustworthy to ourselves.
GASP Evenings & Readings
A GASP reading can be added to other teachings or curated to a full evening's event. Explicit tales of love read aloud by actors, musicians and poets are interspersed with music and teachings. The evening feels intimate, heart opening and wholesome.
The Sexual Evolution Series
This series is devoted to bringing you to new relationship with your sexual life force. It focuses on removing the layers of judgement and conditioning that prevent you from being all that you are. from a loving peaceful respectful and pleasurable relationship with this powerful energy within.
Teachings includes:
Becoming True To You
The Freedom Of Boundaries
Finding The Love Of Your Life
The Worship Workshop
To teach this whole series takes time because the content is dense, we need to let the concepts land and breathe. It is best shared over a 5 days retreat, or one day a week for five weeks. I can also combine two of the classes into a one day workshop.
The Return To Innocence Series
This series has been created to reconnect us to the truth of who we are. A step by step guide to restore factory settings. Devoted to bring you home to the purity of your soul and the unconditional love of your heart.
Teachings includes:
The Practice Of Non Self Abandonment
The Wisdom Of ‘I Don’t Know’
The Issue Of Trust
A weekend retreat would be perfect to teach this series or one day a week for three weeks. I can also combine all of the classes into a one day workshop.